「GOLDEN ART COMPETITION IN YOKOHAMA」へのご来場・投票のお礼。Thank you for visiting and voting in the GOLDEN ART COMPETITION IN YOKOHAMA.

ゴールデンウィーク中に開催されました「GOLDEN ART COMPETITION IN YOKOHAMA」では、多くの皆様に作品を見ていただき、投票していただけました。残念ながら受賞とはなりませんでしたが、投票用紙にお褒めの言葉を沢山いただき、全て拝見しております。大変ありがたく、確実に今後の糧となります。ご覧いただいた皆様と投票してくださった皆様に心より感謝申し上げます!

At the “GOLDEN ART COMPETITION IN YOKOHAMA,” many people viewed my work and voted for me. Unfortunately, I did not receive an award, but I received many compliments on my ballot, and I have read all of them. It is very much appreciated and will certainly help us in the future. I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for viewing and voting for me!

MOTIF FLOWER(モチーフフラワー モチフラ)