「Independent Tokyo 2023」ご来場のお礼。Thank you for coming to Independent Tokyo 2023.

「Independent Tokyo 2023」への出展を無事終えることが出来ました。お暑いなか皆様にいらして頂き、心より感謝申し上げます。モチフラの「NEW or USEDのどちらを選ぶか投票」に参加して下さった方々、ありがとうございます。結果はUSEDの勝利でしたが、なんとNEWとの差1点という、意外な結果でした。NEWを選ぶ理由は様々でしたが、「自分が最初に書きたい」「何かにあやかる事が嫌」などの意見が多いようでした。皆様の多様なご意見に触れて、刺激になり勉強になりました。どちらにも貼りたく無いという方、どちらにも貼った方もいらっしゃいました。楽しかったです!

I have successfully completed our exhibition at Independent Tokyo 2023. Thank you very much for coming in the hot weather.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the ‘Vote for NEW or USED’ in MOTIF FLOWER ! The result was a victory for USED. But what a surprising result, with a difference of one point to NEW. The reasons for choosing NEW were varied,
‘I want to be the first to write it’ and ‘I don’t want to rely on anything else.’
I was stimulated and learned from your diverse opinions.
There were those who didn’t want to put it on either side, and there were those who put it on both sides. It was fun!